During a reflexology appointment at Healing Haven the skill therapist applies acupressure and massage techniques to the ears, hands, and feet in alignment to specific zones that benefit the whole body. Reflexology benefits the client in many ways such as improved circulation and even detoxification. Tension is reduced and the body’s ability to heal itself increases by much. The Association of Reflexologists explains that this treatment method can be effective for severe back pain, migraines, and even infertility, arthritis along with other problems. The reflexology therapist will asks questions to determine your condition to determine the best methods of treatment.
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Archives for reflexology in spring
During a reflexology appointment the therapist applies acupressure and massage techniques to the ears, hands and feet within these zones. Reflexology benefits the client in many ways such as improved circulation and even detoxification. Tension is reduced and the body’s ability to heal itself gains increase. The Association of Reflexologists explains that this treatment method can be effective for severe back pain, migraines, and even infertility, arthritis along with other problems. The reflexology therapist will asks questions to determine your condition to determine the best methods of treatment. A soothing pressure is then added to the hands and feet –
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