Share the gift of wellness this holiday season! We offer our very own giftcards as well as fabulous gift baskets containing our Revelations FromWithin products for any holiday or occasion. With the gift card you cancompletely customize it to your liking. Just give us a call and we will beglad to help you get started and design your very own gift card or basketfor whomever you would like to treat, 832-577- 3998. You can set the giftcard amount, or make it specific to a type of massage or session, givingthem a special gift for this special season ahead of us.
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Archives for Uncategorized
Book a Couples Massage
Rekindle love and unity between couples, friends and family. For somethingextra special this year, how about the gift of relaxation and wellnessHealing Haven Massage and Wellness offersa unifying Couples Massage with an assortment of additional items andadd-ons. It is experience that urges two individuals to drift closertogether. Couples and companions utilize this massage session to convey feelings andget rejuvenated, or just relax and appreciate an environment with oneanother in agreeable quiet. The time spent amid this session unitesindividuals and the benefits proceed long after the massage treatment. During the session two individuals get massages in the same room, at thesame time
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Purchase a Gift Card Today – Give the gift of a massage
Share the gift of wellness this holiday season! We offer our very own giftcards as well as fabulous gift baskets containing our Revelations FromWithin products for any holiday or occasion. With the gift card you cancompletely customize it to your liking. Just give us a call and we will beglad to help you get started and design your very own gift card or basketfor whomever you would like to treat, 832-577- 3998. You can set the giftcard amount, or make it specific to a type of massage or session, givingthem a special gift for this special season ahead of us.
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Harvest Pumpkin Masque
Remember to give thanks for the richness and blessings of everyday moments,no matter how big or small. Life is a gift and an adventure with those youshare it with. Give yourself a moment to relax. A good addition to this cool Fall season is our Harvest Pumpkin Masquefrom HealingHaven’s Revelations From Within<> fabulousproduct line. As you are soothed in a relaxing state you will think of theholidays and fresh pumpkin pie. The orange color from the pumpkin isthe vitamin A which helps increase the deposition of collagen and elastingiving the skin a supple youthful look– – decreasing wrinkles and finelines.
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What is Reiki and the benefits?
Reiki Technique and Reiki Massage are specialty healing sessions that areboth mystical and ancient in their origins. Reiki sessions primarilyfocuses on a body’s energy. Our specialty Reiki Massage uses a variety ofmethods and techniques to achieve a more whole and complete form of healingfor the entire being. This form of service is seen as a spiritual, deeperthan physical, type of healing-therapy comparable to the “laying of hands.”The healing hands of Lisa Z are God-given, she is a conduit of healing andrestoration. This is a type of treatment known to release deep-bounded stress from thebody and mind which brings physical, emotional
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Spa Parties!!! Everyone is invited
Spa Parties are ideal for any special occasion, both corporate and personal. These extravagant events are all about bonding and sharing an experience together. Lisa Z and her experienced team of licensed massage therapists will help you throw the right Massage Spa Party for your friends and family, or a fantastic corporate group massage. There is nothing better than a relaxing massage than perhaps sharing it with those who are special in your life. When you schedule a luxurious Spa Party of 2 or more expect to experience great results and even the healing benefits of *massage therapy*. A great
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Book a Couples Massage Today
Rekindle love and unity between couples, friends and family. For something extra special this year, how about the gift of relaxation and wellness Healing Haven Massage and Wellness offers aunifying Couples Massage with an assortment of additional items and add-ons. It is experience that urges two individuals to drift closer together. Couples and companions utilize this massage session to convey feelings and get rejuvenated, or just relax and appreciate an environment with one another in agreeable quiet. The time spent amid this session unites individuals and the benefits proceed long after the massage treatment. During the session two individuals
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Why SELF CARE is so important
Self care and relaxation is a part of wellness that leads to a long andhealthy life. Healing services such as massage therapy are more than justphysical relaxation, massage therapy provides total mind, body andspiritual healing — encompassing the whole self. The body gets worn downthrough daily physical tasks, the mind gets stressed from life’schallenges, and spiritually we can just become exhausted at times. Regularmassage therapy can help you to realign and refocus and get back to what isimportant. Heal faster and reap the benefits of getting regular massagetherapy sessions. Massage therapy helps to improve performance, reducepain, prevent injury, encourage focus
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Raindrop Massages Now Available!
Enjoy a special session at Healing Haven with a most relaxing and fragrantmassage customized to your liking. We offer gift cards and outcalls,anything to make your customized session delightful. Making use of all thehealing effects of Essential Oils in our specialty Raindrop Massage (alsoknown as Essential Oil Massage), this specialty massage will fill yoursenses and bring you into a new state of relaxation and peace. EssentialOils offer many benefits to overall health and mind with a well-knownrejuvenation factor. Essential Oils are often used as a part of naturalmedicine and treatment. These wonderful therapeutic-grade Essential Oilsfound at Healing Haven along
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Why to choose a Deep Tissue Massage
At Healing Haven Massage and Wellness we offer a variety of deep tissuemassage techniques including Acupressure Massage, Trigger-Point Massage,Deep Tissue Massage, and a variety of options to go along with them.Experience the healing hands of Lisa Z who has over 6 years of experiencegiving Deep Tissue Massage to help loosen up muscles and alleviate pain.You will feel rejuvenated and renewed. Deep Tissue Massage uses strokeswith deeper force to target the deeper layers of muscle and connectivetissue, especially effective to help with muscle damage from an injury. Letus know your specific needs, and we will share with you a solution to
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