We offer our very own custom gift cards as well as exciting gift baskets containing our Revelations From Within products for any holiday or occasion. With the gift card you can completely customize the design, amount, and content to your liking. Give us a call and we will be glad to help you get started and design your very own gift card or basket for whomever you would like to treat, 832-577- 3998. You can set the gift card amount, or make it specific to a type of massage or session, giving them as special gift for this special day
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Archives for Uncategorized
The beautiful Spring season is here!
It’s a time of renewal, regeneration, and feeling great. There are many powerful and incredible events going on that welcome the Spring-time each year such as Easter, Passover, and other Spring festivities. At Healing Haven we offer both experiences and products to rejuvenate you and others or to gift your loved ones. We offer gift cards for any occasion as well as custom-made gift baskets. We have our fabulous Salt and Sugar Scrubs which are excellent for the skin and are especially beneficial after being exposed to the changing weather. They make beautiful and memorable gifts. Healing Haven has created
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Lipo-Massage Therapy and Lymphatic-Massage sessions
Lipo-Massage Therapy and Lymphatic-Massage sessions at Healing Haven are done by hand by trained licensed massage therapists using various specialty techniques rather than a machine. This massage treatment relieves and drains your body of impurities that cause unwanted fat and blemishes. The specialty Body Glory Sculpting Cream that is used by our team will help to rid your body of toxins and unwanted fat-storage giving you a smoother, firmer, and more-toned look to your skin. Also ask about our Awaken Body Scrub. At Healing Haven Massage and Wellness our one of a kind Body Glory Sculpting Cream is infused with natural and organic ingredients to give
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Share the gift of wellness with your loved ones this holiday season!
We offer our very own gift cards as well as fabulous gift baskets containing our Revelations From Within products for any holiday or occasion. With our gift cards you can completely customize it to your liking. Give us a call and we will be glad to help you get started and design your very own gift card or basketfor whomever you would like to treat, 832-577- 3998. You can set the gift card amount, or make it specific to a type of massage or session, givingthem a special gift for this special season ahead of us. We will make sureyou
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Taking moments for self care is a part of wellness
Taking moments for self care is a part of wellness that leads to a long andhealthy life. Healing services such as massage therapy are more than justphysical relaxation, massage therapy provides total mind, body andspiritual healing — encompassing the whole self. The body gets worn downthrough daily physical tasks, the mind gets stressed from life’schallenges, and spiritually we can just become exhausted at times. Regularmassage therapy can help you to realign and refocus and get back to what isimportant. Heal faster and reap the benefits of getting regular massagetherapy sessions. Massage therapy helps to improve performance, reducepain, prevent injury, encourage
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Lipo-Massage Therapy sessions at Healing Haven
Lipo-Massage Therapy sessions at Healing Haven<https://massagetherapistshouston.net/> are done by hand by trainedlicensed massage therapists using various specialty techniques rather thana machine. This massage treatment relieves and drains your body ofimpurities that cause unwanted fat and blemishes. The specialty Body GlorySculpting Cream that is used by our team will help to rid your body oftoxins and unwanted fat-storage giving you a smoother, firmer, andmore-toned look to your skin. Also ask about our Awaken Body Scrub. At Healing Haven Massage and Wellness our one of a kind Body GlorySculpting Cream is infused with natural and organic ingredients to giveyour skin a tighter
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Did You know?
We offer our very own custom gift cards as well as exciting gift basketscontaining our Revelations From Within products for any holiday oroccasion. With the gift card you can completely customize the design,amount and content to your liking. Just give us a call and we will be gladto help you get started and design your very own gift card or basket forwhomever you would like to treat, 832-577- 3998. You can set the gift cardamount, or make it specific to a type of massage or session, giving them aspecial gift for this special day ahead of us. We will make
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Mother-Daughter Massages
Beautiful Spring season is here, the flowers are blooming and Mother’s Dayis fast approaching. It’s the perfect time for a rejuvenating massageat HealingHaven <http://massagetherapistshouston.net/> for busy moms to make this dayextra special. We offer a wide variety of massages/options to soothe ourclients, as well as gift cards. Mothers and daughters can receive a massagesession together which will bind your relationship closer while lettingstresses slip away over the table enduring the healing hands of Lisa Z andher team. It is a great gift to give or share with another during thisvibrant season. Mother-Daughter Massage is a shared experience that encourages the
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Lymphatic Drainage Massage…
Healing Haven Massage and Wellness<https://massagetherapistshouston.net/> offersa healing *Lymphatic Drainage Massage* supporting a healthy LymphaticSystem. The *Lymphatic System’s* main duty is to rid your body of nastywaste. Damage to the Lymphatic System can cause fluids to build up in yourLymph-Nodes/Lymphatic-System. If you’ve ever had a surgery on or involvingyour Lymph Nodes, a doctor may suggest Lymphatic Drainage Massage to aid inyour recovery. The goal of *Lymphatic Massage* is to open up the lymphaticvessels to let excess fluid drain back up into the Lymph Nodes. Not onlywill you feel relief, you will feel great after a soothing massageexperience! Your *Lymphatic Massage* session
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Lipo-Massage Therapy sessions at Healing Haven
Lipo-Massage Therapy sessions at Healing Haven<https://massagetherapistshouston.net/> are done by hand by trainedlicensed massage therapists using various specialty techniques rather thana machine. This massage treatment relieves and drains your body ofimpurities that cause unwanted fat and blemishes. The specialty Body GlorySculpting Cream that is used by our team will help to rid your body oftoxins and unwanted fat-storage giving you a smoother, firmer, andmore-toned look to your skin. Also ask about our Awaken Body Scrub. At Healing Haven Massage and Wellness our one of a kind Body GlorySculpting Cream is infused with natural and organic ingredients to giveyour skin a tighter
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